Book# 10520

Tissandier, Gaston

A history and handbook of photography. Translated by John Thomson.

Ort   London
Verlag   Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Einband   cb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   with upwards of seventy illustrations, 14 p. of advertisements in back
Medium   Handbuch


First edition 1875 (see Klukas 1984). Other ed.: 1878. The 1878 „second and revised edition“ states: „with an appendix by the late Henry Fox Talbot“ and includes Talbot’s last two photoglyphic (photogravure) engravings. This appendix is reprinted in Larry Schaaf: „Sun pictures catalogue twelve“, New York, Kraus 2003.
Photographie Photographiegeschichte 19. Jahrh. Anleitungen Thomson, John 

Other books with similar tags:
Ausstellungskatalog, Princeton, The Art Museum, Princeton University, 06.02.-27.03.1983.
Keysers Sammlerbibliothek.
Ausstellungskatalog, New York, Asia Society Galleries, 11.06.-17.08.1997; Tacoma, Wash., Tacoma Public Library, fall 1997; Hong Kong, Arts Centre, spring 1998.
Fotografiska Handels- och Fabriks-Aktiebolaget.