PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 11668
Jammes, Andre
William H. Fox Talbot.
Illustration, Ausstattung
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 08.1996.
19. Jahrh.
Talbot, William Henry Fox
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Marcenaro, Giuseppe
Alfredo Noack - "inventore" della Riviera / "Erfinder" der Riviera.
Ausstellungskatalog, Genova, Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia, 1989.
Porter, Allan (Hg.)
William Henry Fox Talbot, 1800-1877. "Sonnenbilder". In: Camera. Katalog der Kodak Ausstellung zur photokina 1976.
Ausstellungskatalog, Köln, Photokina, 1976.
Jammes, André
Photography. Men and movements.
Sonnenbilder. Das Werk von William Henry Fox Talbot. Foto-Ausstellung im British Council, Köln. (Internationales Kodak Kulturprogramm zur photokina ‘76).
Ausstellungskatalog, Köln, British Council, 10.09.-30.09.1976
Hannavy, John
Fox Talbot. An illustrated life of William Henry Fox Talbot, ‚Father of Modern Photography‘, 1800-1877.
Lifelines; 38.
Jammes, André
William H. Fox Talbot.
[Jones, Calvert Richard]
The Reverend Calvert R. Jones. Text by Larry J. Schaaf. Sun Pictures catalogue five. Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs, New York.
Ausstellungskatalog, New York, Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Inc., s. a.
Sun Pictures; catalogue five (5).
Schaaf, Larry
The photographic art of William Henry Fox Talbot.
Weaver, Mike
Talbot the artist (summary). In: Pritchard, Michael: Technology and art. The birth and early years of photography. The proceedings of the Royal Photographic Society Historical Group conference, 1 - 3 September 1989.
The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) Historical Group conference, Bath, 01.-03.09.1989.
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[Kraus, Hans P. & Schaaf, Larry]
Talbot’s trees 2000 calendar. [Introductory text by Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Text Larry Schaaf].
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Buckland, Gail
Fox Talbot and the invention of photography.
Kempe, Fritz
William Henry Fox Talbot. In: Europäische Hefte, Nr. 4, 1977.
Europäische Hefte; Nr. 4, 1977.
Gray, Michael; Ollman, Arthur & McCusker, Carol
First photographs. William Henry Fox Talbot and the birth of photography. Texts by Michael Gray, Arthur Ollman, and Carol McCusker.
Ausstellungskatalog, New York, The International Center of Photography (ICP), 13.12.2002-16.02.2003; San Diego, CA, The Museum of Photographic Arts, 30.03.-15.06.2003.
Steinorth, Karl (1931-2000)
Photokina-Bilderausstellung: Sonnenbilder. Das Werk von William H. Fox Talbot. In: Format, Nr. 63, Jg. 12, Heft 5, 1976.
Format; Nr. 63, Jg. 12, Heft 5, 1976.
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[Alain Paviot], Catalogue, 20.
[Talbot, William Henry Fox]
Huellas de luz. El arte y los experimentos de William Henry Fox Talbot. [Preface Juan Manuel Bonet. Text Catherine Coleman, Larry J. Schaaf, Mike Ware, Michael Gray, Geoffrey Batchen, Gerardo F. Kurtz, Russell Roberts].
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William Henry Fox Talbot: Beyond photography.
Conference report, CRASSH, University of Cambridge, 24.-26.06.2010.