PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 1252
U. S. camera.
New York, NY
20. Jahrh.
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Mozley, Anita Ventura
American photography. Past into present. Prints from the Monsen Collection of American Photography. Selected and with an introduction by Anita Ventura Mozley.
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Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, 27.02.-01.06.1998
Birgus, Vladimir
Tschechische Avantgarde-Fotografie 1918-1948. Birgus, Bonhomme, Dufek, Mlcoch, Srp.
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Boring postcards. Collection Martin Parr. USA.
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U. S. Camera 1948.
F. 64. Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, John Paul Edwards, Preston Holder, Dorothea Lange, Alma Lavenson, Sonia Noskowiak, Peter Stackpole, Henry Swift, Willard Van Dyke, Brett Weston, Edward Weston. [Text Alan Porter, John Humphrey].
Ausstellungskatalog (Wanderausstellung).
Photography in the fine arts. In: Saturday Review, May 28, 1960. [On cover: PFA exhibit 2. May 20 - September 4, 1960. The Metropolitan Museum of Art].
New York, NY, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 20.05.-04.09.1960.
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Das Kind und sein Vater. Text von Eugen Roth.
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Galandi-Pascual, Julia
Zur Konstruktion amerikanischer Landschaft. Kuratorische und künstlerische Strategien der Fotoausstellung New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-altered Landscape.
A people at war. Life in Britain today.