Book# 13615

Stieglitz, Alfred; Abel, Julian C. (ed.)

Camera Notes. Official Organ of the Camera Club, New York. A quarterly edited and managed by The Publication Committee, Alfred Stieglitz, chairman [vols. 1-4]. - Edited and managed by Alfred Stieglitz [vols. 5-6, no. 1; subtitle changed to Illustrated Photographic Quarterly]. - Edited and managed for The Camera Club, New York, by Julian C. Abel [vols. 6, no. 2-4, resuming original subtitle].

Camera Notes; 1897-1903.
Ort   New York, NY
Verlag   The Camera Club
Auflage   1000 copies
Illustration, Ausstattung   127 photograpic reproductions and photogravures (total)
Medium   Zeitschrift

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