Book# 18469

Graham, Alistair & Beard, Peter Hill

Eyelids of morning. The mingled destinies of crocodiles and men. Being a description of the origins, history, and prospects of Lake Rudolf, its peoples, deserts, rivers, mountains and weather. A narrative of our investigations into the natural history, habits, and mode of life of the fearsome Nyle crocodyle, most formidable of reptiles, the legendary Leviathan. Including a full, authentic and thrilling account of the stirring explorations and discoveries of Count Samuel Teleki von Sjek, as chronicled by his companion and fellow stalwart, Lieutenant Ludwig von Höhnel, in which the fabled lake of Rudolph was brought to light. Replete with astounding incidents, wonderful adventures, mysterious providences, grand achievements and glorious deeds in the persuit of knowledge. Enlivened with stories of heroism and unparalleled daring, marvelous hunts and incredible adventures among savage saurians, giant fish, monstrous Behemoths and strange and curious tribes, and comprehending whatever is curious and remarkable in the works of art and nature. A full descriptive account by Alistair Graham and divers illustrations by Peter Beard. The whole enriched with upward of 220 photographs, 16 magnificent colored plates, 165 well-executed engravings, and numerous maps, being all finely drawn according to the latest discoveries, for the use of gentlemen, mariners, merchants & others who delight in travel and adventure. [On cover: With photographs by Peter Beard].

Ort   San Francisco, CA
Verlag   Chronicle Books
Jahr   1990
Auflage   First Chronicle Books edition
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-87701-539-2

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