Book# 20594

Cikovsky, Nicolai Jr. (ed.)

Beaumont Newhall: Photo eye of the 1920s: The Deutsche Werkbund Exhibition of 1929. Sarah E. Greenough: Alfred Stieglitz and the opponents of the Photo-Secession. Roger Hull: Rudolf Eickemeyer, Jr., and the politics of photography. Bill Jay: Cecil Victor Shadbolt (1859-1892): A note on his instantaneous photograph from the car of a free-floating balloon. Thomas F. Barrow and Peter S. Walch: Footnotes. In: New Mexico Studies in the Fine Arts, vol. 2, 1977.

New Mexico Studies in the Fine Arts; 2. Ed. Nicolai Cikovsky, Jr. et al.
Ort   Albuquerque, NM
Verlag   The College of Fine Arts, The University of New Mexico
Jahr   1977
Einband   Spiralbindung
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Jahrbuch, Zeitschrift, Einzelheft

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