Book# 20608

Lesy, Michael

Wisconsin death trip. With a preface by Warren Susma.

Ort   London
Verlag   Allen Lane, a division of Penguin Books
Jahr   1973
Einband   cb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-7139-0660-X


Text engl. - Other ed.: First edition: New York: Pantheon Books 1973. - The author’s particular presentation of the history of a small Wisconsin community interpreted through the 19th century photographs of its inhabitants. (Pajerski).
Cat. Literature on photography no. 44. New York: Pajerski 1998: 50.00 $ (US edition).
Photographie Anthologie 19. Jahrh. Sozialgeschichte USA, Wisconsin Susma, Warren 

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