Book# 20611

Lesy, Michael

Bearing witness. A photographic chronicle of American life, 1860-1945. With a preface by Warren I. Susman.

Ort   New York, NY
Verlag   Pantheon Books
Jahr   1982
Auflage   First edition
Einband   pb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   b&w photographs
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-394-74942-1 (pb.); 0-394-50967-6 (hb.)


Text engl.
15.00 $. 13.50 L.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. USA Anthologie Sozialgeschichte Susman, Warren I. 

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Detroit Photographic Company; Detroit Publishing Company.
Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, 27.02.-01.06.1998
British Association for American Studies. BAAS Pamphlets in American Studies; 12.
Ausstellungskatalog, San Francisco, CA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 26.09.1996-28.01.1997 et al.
Ausstellungskatalog, Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art Museum, 02.02.-16.03.1986; San Diego, CA, Museum of Art, 05.04.-18.05.1986; Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 14.06.-10.08.1986; Austin, TX, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin., 02.10.-16.11.1986; Purchase, NY, Neuberger Museum, Sate University of New York, 01.02.-29.03.1987.
Worcester Art Museum Bulletin; ne series, vol. 3, no. 2, February 1974.
Ausstellungskatalog, Parma, Salone dei Contrafforti in Pilotta, 10.-11.1971.
Istituto di Storia dell’Arte [Universita’ di Parma] cataloghi; 11.
Ein terra magica Bildband.