Book# 20973

Sims, George R. (ed.)

Living London. Its work and its play, its humor and its pathos, its sights and its scenes. [In several volumes].

Ort   London et al.
Verlag   Cassell & Co.
Auflage   special edition, with full-page Rembrandt plates
Einband   OLw.
Illustration, Ausstattung   b&w and colour ill.
Medium   Buch


“This edition, being specially prepared for subscription, is not obtainable through the general booksellers”. - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 03.2001.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. England Anthologie Kunst, Malerei Sozialgeschichte Stadtgeschichte, Stadtansichten, London 

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Ausstellungskatalog, London, National Portrait Gallery, 20.10.1989-21.01.1990.
Detroit Photographic Company; Detroit Publishing Company.
Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, 27.02.-01.06.1998
Ein terra magica Bildband.