Book# 23339

Gere, Richard

Pilgrim. Photographs by Richard Gere. With a foreword by His Holyness the 14th Dalai Lama, an introduction by Richard Gere and a poem by Patti Smith.

A Bulfinch Press Book.
Ort   Boston et al.
Verlag   Little, Brown and Company
Jahr   1997
Auflage   first edition
Einband   cb., red linen with gilt inscription and mounted photographic ill.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-8212-2322-4


Text engl. - Very nicely presented photographs by Hollywood actor Richard Gere of Tibet, of Buddhist monks and monasteries, taken in the 1980s and 1990s, of which many look, unfortunately, somewhat shaky, though some others have great beauty. (HCA).
Antiq. Kunstkiosk Zürich 07.2002: 90.00 CHF.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Reisephotographie Monographie Asia, Asien, Tibet 

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