[Malécot, Claude]
Ausstellungskatalog, Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites, Paris, Hôtel de Sully, 30.10.1992-10.01.1993.
Collection monuments en parole.
Schink, Hans-Christian & Richter, Thilo
Deutscher Werkbund Sachsen.
Török, András
Kongress der European Society for the History of Photography (ESHPh), Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 20.-22.06.2001.
VanderMeulen, Thomas
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 13, Spring 1985. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Klukas, Rodney
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 12, Fall 1985. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Prior, Douglas
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 10, May 1984. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Allen, Dana L.
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 9, May 1984. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Poulson, Elizabeth
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 8, May 1984. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Eisenberg, Pamla J.
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 5, November 1983. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Churchill, Karen
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 27, Spring 1990. Series editors Bill Jay.
Poulson, Elizabeth
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 18, December 1985. Series editors Bill Jay, Rich Rollins, Ron Kent.