PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 24685
Stettner, Louis
Women. 22 photographs.
New York, NY
Stettner Studio
1000 copies
Illustration, Ausstattung
22 plates in portfolio
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 01.2003.
Cat. literature on photography no. 66. New York: Fred & Elizabeth Pajerski [09.2002]: 125.00 $ (signed copy).
20. Jahrh.
USA, New York
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Mallmann, Sibylle
Nur die Sehnsucht bleibt. Eine fotografische Dokumentation über Frauen. Mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Limmer.
Materialien zur Fotografie.
[Rohling, Ludwig & Renger-Patzsch, Albert]
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Oliphant, Dave
Gendered territory. Photographs of women by Julia Margaret Cameron. Edited and introduced by Dave Oliphant. [Contents: Lindsay Smith: Further thoughts on “The politics of focus”; Joanne Lukitsh: The Thackeray album: Looking at Julia Margaret Cameron’s gift to her friend Annie Thackeray; Carol Hanbery MacKay: “Soaring between home and heaven“: Julia Margaret Cameron’s visual meditations on the self; Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro: Idylls in conflict: Victorian representations of gender in Julia Margaret Cameron’s illustrations of Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King”; Lori Cavagnaro: Julia Margaret Cameron: Focusing on the orient; Lizabeth A. Straight & Patricia A. Threatt: Julia Margaret Cameron: A catalogue of holdings at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center].
The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, vol. 26, no. 4.
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World without men.
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Frauenbilder. Photographien von Xiao Hui Wang.
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Spanish Harlem. [Text Merry A. Foresta, Steve Deitz, Ed Vega].
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Meine Frau. Interview mit Petter Hegre von Svanborg Thorisdottir.
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De wereld van Van Gogh. Tekst W. Jos de Gruyter.
Andriesse, Emmy
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Life is good & good for you in New York! Trance witness revels.
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Sigismondi, Pablo (1959-) & Andruetto, Maria Teresa (1954-)
Mujeres. Fotos de Pablo Sigismondi. Textos de Maria Teresa Andruetto.
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New York: The New Art Scene. [Text by Alan Solomon. Design by Michele Provinciali].