Book# 25407

Silverman, Jonathan

For the world to see. The life of Margaret Bourke-White. Compiled, edited and with a biographical narrative by Jonathan Silverman. Preface by Alfred Eisenstaedt.

A Studio Book.
Ort   New York, NY
Verlag   The Viking Press
Jahr   1983
Einband   cb. in dustjacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-670-32356-X


Parallel edition: London: Secker and Warburg 1983. - Check entry.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Eisenstaedt, Alfred Monographie Bourke-White, Margaret 

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[Galerie Rudolf Kicken] Katalog 10.
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[The Museum of Modern Art] Bulletin [The Bulletin of The Museum of Modern Art]; vol. 19, no. 4, 1952.
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