Book# 29313

Moon, Sarah

Sarah Moon.

Ort   Tokyo
Verlag   Pacific Press Service
Jahr   1989
Auflage   first edition, first printing
Einband   sb., photographically illustrated laminated stiff wrappers
Illustration, Ausstattung   with 36 four-color plates and 99 additional four-color reproductions
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   4938635259


Published on the occasion of the exhibition Sarah Moon in 1989, organized by Pacific Press Service, at the Photographic Society of Japan.Photographs by Sarah Moon. Acknowledgment (in English and Japanese) by Robert L. Kirschenbaum, President, Pacific Press Service. Text (in Japanese) Frank Horvat. Includes a list of plates (in English) and a bibliography (in English and Japanese). Beautifully printed by Toppan Printing Co. Ltd.
Antiq. Vincent Borrelli, Bookseller, Albuquerque, NM (04.2005): 325.00 $ (Presentation copy, signed and inscribed to Robert Heinecken and Joyce Neimanas in black ink on the half-title page by Moon ("To the Heineckens, with warmest wishes, Sarah Moon").
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Monographie Horvat, Frank Kirschenbaum, Robert L. 

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[Galerie Rudolf Kicken] Katalog 10.
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Ausstellungskatalog, Mannheim, Städtische Kunsthalle, 17.11.1984-06.01.1985; Saarbrücken, Moderne Galerie des Saarlandmuseums, 03.02.-03.03.1985; Nürnberg, Kunsthalle in der Norishalle, 19.04.-09.06.1985.
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