Book# 30531

Fontcuberta, Joan

Landscapes without memory. [Text Joan Fontcuberta, Geoffrey Batchen].

Ort   New York, NY
Verlag   Aperture
Jahr   2005
Auflage   first edition
Einband   hc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   40 plates plus ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   1-931-788-79-0


Images from Fontcuberta’s „Orogenesis“ series, generated by means of a landscape-rendering visualization software named Terragen originally designed for military or scientific use, „...sets of numerical data posing as photographs“ (Batchen). - Vgl. Buchbesprechung von Christoph Schaden in Photonews (Hamburg), Nr. 2, Febr. 2006, 18. Jg., S. 11.
48.00 €.
Photographie Landschaftsphotographie Monographie 21. Jahrh. digital imaging Batchen, Geoffrey 

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