PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 31373
Photo League.
Illustration, Ausstattung
b&w photographs
Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 10.2006.
20. Jahrh.
Photojournalismus, photojournalism
Sozialdokumentarische Photographie
Portraitphotographie, portraits
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Roy Stryker: U.S.A. 1943-1950. The Standard Oil (New Jersey) photography project. Foreword by Cornell Capa.
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Farm Security Administration. (La fotografia sociale americana del New Deal). Introduzione di Arturo Carlo Quintavale. Mostra itinerante organizzata dal Centro Studi e Museo della Fotografia e dall’Istituto di Storia dell’Arte dell’Università di Parma con il patrocino della Regione Emilia-Romagna.
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USA 1935-1943. Photographien für die FSA von Walker Evans, Russell Lee, Marion P. Wolcott. [Text Kurt Lesser].
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[Galerie Taube] Katalog; 027.
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