Book# 32203

Bernhard, John


Verlag   Elite Editions
Jahr   2004
Einband dustjacket
Illustration, Ausstattung   86 duotone photographs
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   0-9749022-0-9


Text engl., fr., dt, span. - „Bringing photographs together with the diptych venue enhances the images' interaction and often produces ambiguous feelings. As viewers, we are drawn in by the discovery. This book presents a challenge to the viewer to establish a personal connection of ideas, emotions, and references - both visual and intellectual - through the subtle pairing of his photographs. ,His diptychs best demonstrate his open spirit and all show a curious mind willing to share its enthusiasm with the world.’ (William Ewing)“ (Publisher’s text). - Recipient of the 2004 Bronze Award from the International Gallery of Superb Printing Competition. - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 11.2006.
55.00 $.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Monographie 21. Jahrh. Ewing, William 

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