Book# 32363

Solis, Julia

New York underground. The anatomy of a city/ Die Anatomie einer Stadt.

Ort   Berlin
Verlag   Christoph Links Verlag
Jahr   2002
Auflage   first edition
Einband   hb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   100 color ill.
Medium   Buch


Text engl. - Other ed.: Taylor & Francis/ Routledge 2004 (ISBN-10: 0415950139; 978-0415950138). Paperback edition forthcoming in 2007. - An informal and accessible history of New York's underground - from the subways to the bowels of Columbia University to its old pneumatic tube mail system. The author, an accomplished artist who has lived in America since 1977 and in New York since 1995, has spent years investigating the dark places of the city. The book is beautifully illustrated and features many of the author's own photos. Just as important, the stories she tells are fascinating - from the urban legends of alligators in the sewer systems to a late nineteenth century inventor trying to outwit Boss Tweed by building a downtown pneumatic subway system on the sly. As the story unfolds, she takes us through both abandoned train stations (where the fabled 'mole people' live) and the infrastructural ruins entombed in the bowels of the city. The portrait of New York's physical underworld that emerges is panoramic; Solis leaves no stone unturned. ( . - Julia Solis erforscht seit Jahren das Labyrinth unter New York City, stöbert nirgends verzeichnete geheime Schächte auf, erstellt eigene Wegweiser und findet Kontakt zu einer faszinierenden und zugleich abschreckenden Welt. Ihr gelang es auch, die Ereignisse im Untergrund des world Trade Centers zu rekonstruieren und durch Fotos zu dokumentieren. - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 07.2007.
34.80 €.
Photographie USA Stadtansichten, New York Monographie 21. Jahrh. 

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