Book# 33907

Muybridge, Eadweard

Panorama of San Francisco, from California St. Hill.

Ort   [San Francisco, CA]
Verlag   Morses Gallery
Illustration, Ausstattung   11 albumen prints
Medium   Album, Leporello?


Stamped on panel 6: „Muybridge, Photo. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by Edw. J. Muybridge, in the office of Librarian of Congress at Washington. Morses Gallery. Panorama of San Francisco, from California St. Hill.“
Photographie USA 19. Jahrh. Tierphotographie Monographie Kurzzeitphotographie 

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Ausstellungskatalog, Washington, DC, National Portrait Gallery, 26.09.1997-04.01.1998; Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 22.01.-15.04.1998; New York, International Center of Photography, 01.05.-19.07.1998.
Ausstellungskatalog, Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 30.10.1999-06.02.2000.
Bild der Wissenschaft; Oktober 1982.