Book# 35171

Kocjancic, Damjan (1970-)

Lice II/ The face II. Portreti metelkovcev. Portraits of the Metelkova people. 2001/2002. [Text Marina Grzinic].

Ausstellungskatalog, Ljubljana, Metelkova Mesto, 2002.
Ort   Ljubljana
Verlag   Strip Core/ Forum Ljubljana
Jahr   2002
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   duotone reproductions
Medium   Katalog


Text slov., engl. - Shows, among others, the portraits of Lice I in situ in their original street exhibit context, many of them by now defaced by grafitti, scratches, spraying, etc.
Photographie Portraitphotographie Monographie 21. Jahrh. Slovenija, Slovenia, Slowenien Grzinic, Marina 

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