Book# 39367

Reed, Lou

Lou Reed’s New York.

Ort   Göttingen
Verlag   Steidl
Jahr   2008
Einband   hc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch
ISBN / ISSN   3865211526; 978-3865211521


Text engl. - Lou Reeds photographischen Arbeiten, die seine Liebe zu seiner Heimat New York City bildlich festhalten. - „After his first book of photographs was published, Lou Reed told a journalist for The Independent on Sunday that "I live on intuition and taking pictures is intuitive." Here, we see Lou Reed's intuitive take on New York, the city that has been the fulcrum of his creative world for decades and with which he has become indelibly identified. We've heard about the streets and characters for so long through his words and music, and now we can see it through his eyes. Over 100 of Reed's photographs comprise New York, an intimate view of what inspires him.“ (
50.00 $.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. USA Stadtansichten, New York Monographie 

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