Book# 40545

Peter Weiermair: Reflections on Materiality in Photographic Production – Looking Back at a Discourse; Hubertus von Amelunxen: Im | materialities; Andreas Spiegl: Anatal and Digilogue Photography: Different but Indistinguishable; Danielle Leenaerts: The Modes of Inscription and Appearance of the Still Image in Beat Streuli's Work: Reflections on the Photographic Media; Klaus Honnef: Illusory Images in the Brain – Fleeting Images in the Net – Captured Images on Paper; Caroline Fuchs: Anticipation and Reality. A Re-Evaluation of Autochrome Projection; Amélie Van Liefferinge: Between Art, Science and Education. The Tradition of Slide Shows at the Belgian Association of Photography (1883–1933); Thomas Freiler: The Vampire and Marilyn – Some Thoughts on a Photographic Concept of Being; Moritz Neumüller and Andreas Reichinger: From Stereoscopy to Tactile Photography; Monika Schwärzler: The Beast – On the Photographic Staging of the Large Hadron Collider at the Nuclear Research Centre in Geneva; Carl Aigner: Photo Digitality in the Area of Conflict. Between the Material and Immaterial. A Review as a Preview; Jeanna Nikolov-Ramírez: Pictorial Spreading - On Immaterial Forms of Collecting and Sharing Images; Ilka Becker: Some Remarks on Material Agency after the Digital Turn and the Photographic Metaphor of the Living Digital. - In: Photoresearcher, no. 19, [April] 2013.

European Society for the History of Photography [ESHPh]. Association Européenne pour l’Histoire de la Photographie. Europäische Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Photographie.
Photoresearcher; no. 19, [Apr.] 2013. Ed. Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Uwe Schögl. Guest editor Caroline Fuchs.
Ort   Wien, Vienna
Verlag   ESHPh
Jahr   2013
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Zeitschrift, Einzelheft
ISBN / ISSN   0958-2606


Text engl. - Haupteintrag.
12.00 €.
Photographie 20. Jahrh. Photographiegeschichte 19. Jahrh. Theorie und Kritik 21. Jahrh. 

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