Book# 40942

Joke de Wolf: Exchanging Views on an Empty Street. On Urban Settings and the Traffic in Charles Marville’s Photographs; Harald R. Stühlinger: Photographed Buildings on Buildings. When Architectural Photography Conquered Architecture; Martino Stierli: Photomontage in/as Spatial Representation; Matthias Noell: Bioscopic and Kinematic Books. Studies on the Visualisation of Motion and Time in the Architectural Book ca. 1900–1935; Rolf Sachsse: Artists’ Books on Architecture. A Fast Growing and Endangered Species; Nicole E. Stöcklmayr: Constructions and Reconstructions. The Architectural Image between Rendering and Photography. - In: Photoresearcher, no. 18, [October] 2012.

European Society for the History of Photography [ESHPh]. Association Européenne pour l’Histoire de la Photographie. Europäische Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Photographie.
Photoresearcher; no. 18, [Oct.] 2012. Ed. Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Uwe Schögl.
Ort   Wien, Vienna
Verlag   ESHPh
Jahr   2012
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Zeitschrift, Einzelheft
ISBN / ISSN   0958-2606

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