PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Book# 43693
Gunther, John & Quint, Bernard
Days to remember America, 1945-1955.
New York. NY
Harper Brothers
hc. in dustjacket
20. Jahrh.
Other books with similar tags:
Burns, Stanley B.
Sleeping beauty. Memorial photography in America.
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A collective vision. Clarence H. White and his students.
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The great West. Real/ Ideal. Edited by: Sandy Hume, Ellen Manchester, Gary Metz. Essays by: Nathan Lyons, Gary Metz.
Davis, Keith F.
An American century of photography. From dry-plate to digital. The Hallmark Photographic Collection. Foreword by Donald J. Hall.
Ausstellungskatalog, Kansas City, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art et al., 1994-1996.
Women of the West. A book of postcards. The Huntington Library. [Foreword Jennifer A. Watts].
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Ca.
Janus, Elizabeth (Hg.)
Die Rache der Veronika. Aktuelle Perspektiven der zeitgenössischen Fotografie. Die Fotosammlung Lambert.
Ausstellungskatalog, Hamburg, Deichtorhallen, 27.02.-01.06.1998
Birgus, Vladimir
Tschechische Avantgarde-Fotografie 1918-1948. Birgus, Bonhomme, Dufek, Mlcoch, Srp.
Szarkowski, John
American landscapes. Photographs from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art.
Springs Mills Series on the Art of Photography.
Page, Thomas
Farbiges New York. Text von Thomas Page.
Deitcher, David
Dear friends. American photographs of men together, 1840-1918.
Between friends. Entre amis. Production de l’Office national du film du Canada, Service de la photographie, Ottawa, Canada, 1976/ produced by the National Film Board of Canada, Still Photography Division, Ottawa, Canada, 1976. [Foreword Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
Office national du film du Canada (ONF). National Film Board of Canada (NFB).
Tucker, Anne
Target II [two]. American photographers. [Entries by William C. Agee and Anne Tucker].
Burns, Stanley B. & Burns, Elizabeth
Sleeping beauty II [two]: Grief, bereavement and the family in memorial photography. American & [and] European traditions.
Fraprie, Frank R. (ed.)
American photography. Vol. XVIII [18], no. 7, July, 1924.
American photography; vol. 18, no. 7.
Haynes, Gary
Picture this! The inside story and classic photos of UPI newspictures. Foreword by Walter Cronkite.
Conkelton, Sheryl
In: Fotografia americana del s. XX. Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson. 7. de junio - 21 de julio 1991. Sala de exposiciones de la Fundació „la Caixa“, Serrano 60, 28001 Madrid/ 16 d’abril - 26 de maig 1991. Centre cultural de la Fundació „la Caixa“, Passeig de Sant Joan, 108, 08037 Barcelona.
Ausstellungskatalog, Madrid, Sala de exposiciones de la Fundació „la Caixa“, 07.06.-21.07.1991; Barcelona, Centre cultural de la Fundació „la Caixa“, 16.04.-28.05.1991.
[Steichen, Edward (1879-1973) (ed.)]
The bitter years 1935-1941. [Prefache Jean Buck. Text Goro Kuramochi, Joanna Steichen, Gabriel Bauret, Gilles Mora]. [Plus title in Japanese].
Reich, Hanns & Roth, Eugen
Das Kind und sein Vater. Text von Eugen Roth.
Ein terra magica Bildband.
Crossing borders. Exhibition of the Arizona/ Salzburg photographers exchange program. Works by the seven participating and the two initiating artists/ Ausstellung des Fotokunst-Ausstellungsprogramms: Arizona - Salzburg. Arbeiten der sieben Stipendiaten und der beiden Projektinitatoren. [On cover/ Auf Titel: Arizona, Salzburg].
Ausstellungskatalog, Tempe, AZ, Northlight Gallery [Arizona State University], 01.02.-24.02.1999; Salzburg, Galerie im Traklhaus, 15.04.-30.05.1999.
A people at war. Life in Britain today.