Book# 43921

Ballerini, Julia

The stillness of Hajj Ishmael. Maxime Du Camp’s 1850 photographic encounters.

Ort   New York, NY, Bloomington, IN
Verlag   iUniverse, Inc.
Jahr   2010
Einband   sc.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   book
ISBN / ISSN   978-1-4502-0307-4 (pb.); 978-1-4502-0306-7 (cb.); 978-1-4502-0305-0 (ebk)


Text engl. - Du Camp''s traveling companion Gustave Flaubert once remarked: „I don't know why Maxime hasn't killed himself with this raging mania for photography.“ The Stillness of Hajj Ishmael explores this mania as a manifestation of the cultural hypochondria typical of Du Camp's time and social class,linking the general anxiety of the age over the apparent demise of French culture with the personal travails of Du Camp, who grew up an orphan. The book explores the role played by Nubian sailor Hajj Ishmael in Du Camp's photographs, travel writings, journals and novel as a unique marker of a malaise simultaneously subjective and historical.
18.95 $.
Photographie Reisephotographie 19. Jahrh. Monographie Egypt, Ägypten DuCamp, Maxime Rochas, Aimé 

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