Book# 45079

Siome, Manon

Dangerous beauty. Exhibition catalog for Chelsea Art Museum, curated by Manon Siome.

Ausstellungskatalog, New York, NY, Chelsea Art Museum, 2007.
Ort   New York / Napoli
Verlag   Chelsea Art Museum / Palazzo delle Arti Napoli
Jahr   2007
Einband   pb
Medium   Book


Text engl.
Text engl. - "The exhibition, Dangerous Beauty, investigates and challenges society’s ideal of beauty and the designer body created and supported by mass consumerism. Many of the artists selected capture the anxiety of this beauty -centered society and raise questions on the human impact of living in the glare of images that, without manipulation, may have no human incarnation. The exhibition aims to raise questions about the mass ideology of beauty and explore the connections between beauty and violence, the phobia of aging, issues of self-perception and the element of power inherent in an “ideal.”" (; seen 02.2018).
Kunst 21. Jahrh. 

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