Book# 8819

[Muybridge, Eadweard]

Eadweard Muybridge. [Vowort Tilman Osterwold. Einführung Anita Ventura Mozley. Text Robert Bartlett Haas, Anita Ventura Mozley, Francoise Forster-Hahn].

Ausstellungskatalog, Stuttgart, Württembergischer Kunstverein, 21.10.-28.11.1976; Zürich, Kunstgewerbemuseum, 10.12.1976-26.01.1977; Bochum, Museum Bochum, 29.01.-27.02.1977; Basel, Kunsthalle, 29.01.-27.02.1977; Graz, Kulturhaus, 12.04.-28.05.1977.
Ort   Stuttgart
Verlag   Württembergischer Kunstverein
Jahr   1976
Einband   OKt.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Katalog

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Ausstellungskatalog, Bordeaux, Musée Goupil, Espace d’Aquitaine, 10.02.-12.04.1992 et al.
Ausstellungskatalog, Genova, Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia, 1989.
Accompanies the exhibition “Alfred Stieglitz and early modern photography”, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 14.09.-29.12.1996.
Ausstellungskatalog, Charleroi, Musée de la Photographie, 28.05.-04.09.1988.
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 25, Winter 1989. Series editors Bill Jay, Melissa DuBose.
Mathew Brady’s illustrated history of the Civil War 1861-65 and the causes that led up to the great conflict [...] and a chronological summary and record of every engagement between the troops of the Union and of the Confederacy and showing the total losses and casualties together with war maps of localities compiled from the official records of the War Department. Illustrated with fac-simile photographic reproductions of the official war photographs taken at the time by Mathew B. Brady under the authority of President Lincoln and now in the possession of the War department, Washington, D. C. from whom special permission has been granted to reproduce the same to illustrate this work. From the famous and authentic Brady war photograph collection there has been selected portraits of the great commanders and leaders of both the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies, and many scenes of great historical interest, and making a marvelous fac-simile reproduction of the battlegrounds, fortifications, the dead and wounded, hospitals, and incidents of the greatest conflict this country has ever known and fittingly commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the great national struggle. The entire work issued in sixteen sections, with sixteen separate color plates of great commanders in action and famous battle scenes from the painting of H. A. Ogden and other famous artists of military subjects. [On dustjacket: Mathew Brady`s illustrated history of the Civil War with 737 Brady photographs].
Black & White Magazine; 28, December 2003.
Stanford University. Dept. of Art.
Stanford art book; 14.