19. Jahrh.

Page 360 of 361, showing 20 record(s) out of 7.213 total
Santa Monica, CA
Angel City Press
first edition
Text engl.
Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI
Museum of Art, Rhode School of Design
Text engl.
Boston, Mass.
New York Graphic Society/ Little, Brown & Co.
160 p.
hc. in dustjacket
Text engl. - Other ed.: Southampton 1984.
New York, NY
200 p.
hb. in dustjacket
Text engl. - Other edition: London: Gordon Fraser 1975.
56 p.
Text ital. - „Il fascino esotico e certamente misterioso che legò gli occidentali al Medio Oriente e all'Africa mediterranea esplose a partire dalle campagne militari di Napoleone. Nei decenni successivi viaggiatori, artisti, archeologi e studiosi calcarono quelle sabbie sconosciute. Fondamentale fu la documentazione di coloro che si cimentarono nella nascente arte della fotografia e tra questi vi fu il contributo attento e insostituibile di Emile Bechard, che aprì uno studio, dal 1869 al 1875, al Cairo dove visse fino al 1880. In questo volume sono pubblicali 21 intensi ritratti di vita quotidiana, scatti di rara perfezione "rubati" seguendo l'istinto di una straordinaria scelta di carattere“. (www.hoepli.it/libro/viaggio-in-oriente-fotografie-dellafrica-a-casa-martelli/9788883476839.html; seen 02.2018).
Le Centre
Text fr.
Royal Collection Trust
256 p.
1905686188; 978-1905686186
Text engl. - „In the spring of 1862, Queen Victoria commissioned the leading British photographer Francis Bedford to accompany her son and heir, the future King Edward VII, on an ambitious journey across the Middle East. This beautifully illustrated book traces their tour throughout Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, and Greece alongside excerpts from Prince Edward’s diary and other newly discovered archival material, published here for the first time. - Over the course of several months, Bedford produced more than two hundred negatives, including images of architecture and stunning landscapes, from a breathtaking view of the Garden of Gethsemane to shots of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. He was the first Christian granted permission to photograph sacred sites in Jerusalem. Bedford also captured many photographs of the people he encountered on the tour, both locals and members of the royal party. - Cairo to Constantinople is the first book to focus on the photographs taken during Prince Edward’s travels in the Middle East. Taken during a time of great change in the area, these extraordinary photographs will fascinate anyone with an interest in the history of the Middle East or in photography’s role in documenting civilization.“ (www.amazon.de/Cairo-Constantinople-Francis-Bedfords-Photographs/dp/1905686188; seen 02.2018).
Somerset, NJ
The Light Inc.
first engl. ed.
140 p.
hb., red artificial velvet with gilt imprints
1-59784-054-8; 978-1597840545
Text engl. - „The most exquisite memories of the Ottoman history are brought back to life with an album of photographs from the Yildiz Collection. In the 1880s upon an order of Sultan Abdülhamid II, Mecca and Medina, the two sanctuaries of Islam, were photographed and catalogued, together with thousands of other frames that portrayed the Ottoman lands. There are over 80 photographs in the album showing us what these blessed cities looked like in the 19th century and what they have lost over the course of time. Contents: "The Ka'ba and the Grand Mosque in Mecca“; "The Prophet's Mosque in Medina“; "Cemeteries of Jannat al-Mualla and Jannat al-Baqi“; "Tombs of Khadija and Hamza“; "Ajyad Fortress and Ottoman Barracks“; "Mina, Mount Arafat, and pilgrimage“.“ (www.amazon.de/Yildiz-Albums-Sultan-Abdulhamid-Mecca-Medina/dp/1597840548/ref=pd_sim_14_7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=524ABWT2VRQQQ7RDPDNZ; seen 02.2018).
264 p.
relié pleine basane
illustré sur les plats d'un décor estampé
Text fr. - illustrées de photographies d'Alexandre Bougault, de dessins de Durand et d'une carte dépliante. Edition originale numérotée sur Alfa. - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 03.2018.
Edition Luisenstadt
Text dt. - Die photographischen Tätigkeiten Heinrich Brugschs kommen in diesem Aufsatz ein wenig kurz.
Annual of the American Palestine Exploration Society [Annual of American School of Oriental Research (ASOR)]; vol. 66, 2012.
Boston, Mass.
American Schools of Oriental Research
368 p.
Buch, Jahrbuch
978-0897570985; 0897570987
Text engl. - „This volume includes over 150 never previously published photographs of archaeological sites in the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Israel) taken in 1875 by photographer Tancrede Dumas for the American Palestine Exploration Society. The volume additionally tells the complete history of the American Palestine Exploration Society, which functioned in the 1870's and worked together with the British Palestine Exploration Fund to survey and map archaeological sites in Ottoman Palestine. The Americans's interactions with the British are examined, and Dumas's photographs are put into a comparative context alongside those of contemporaries such as Bonfils. These photographs preserve the appearance of many of these sites when they were first seen by westerners, before urban development and tourism changed the nature of the regions. Photographs include the ruins of Baalbek, Jerash, parts of Jerusalem, and numerous other sites.“ (www.amazon.com/Photographs-American-Palestine-Exploration-Society/dp/0897570987; seen 04.03.2018).
Text ital. - On some holdings of Luigi Fiorillo in the Triest Public Library. - „ Fiorillo, Luigi - Maison Fiorillo <1890-1915> - Vedi anche: Schier & Schoefft . E' uno dei fotografi italiani, insieme a Luigi Naretti, Francesco Nicotra e altri, che seguendo l'esempio di numerosi stranieri, costituiscono stabilimenti fotografici nel Nord Africa e in Asia (dalla Siria alla Palestina, all'Egitto, all'Etiopia), negli ultimi anni dell'Ottocento. Oltre alle possibilita' commerciali connesse alla vendita delle vedute nei negozi di regali e souvenirs, i fotografi sono stati favoriti dai tentativi coloniali italiani, iniziati con l'acquisto della baia di Assab nel 1882. - Nei primi anni Fiorillo ha lo studio fotografico in Alessandria d'Egitto nella place de Méhémet Aly, dal 1893 il logo segnala che lo studio fotografico è gestito dalla vedova e dai figli in rue Chérif Pacha. Gia' noto per aver partecipato ed aver ottenuto premi e medaglie alle Esposizioni di Parigi 1878, Napoli 1871, Boston e Ottawa 1885, lega la sua attivita' alle vedute della "costa est ed ovest Africa" nonche' di paesaggi orientali e ritratti. La sua documentazione di vedute e tipi giunge fino alla Palestina, l'Etiopia, l'Algeria, dove si spinge nel deserto. Altra importante attivita' e' quella legata alla documentazione delle campagne di guerra, in particolare quelle dell'esercito italiano. Nel 1882, durante i bombardamenti di Alessandria, e' fra i pochi fotografi a rimanere in citta' e a riprodurre le distruzioni e le macerie. Durante l'occupazione di Massaua e poi l'occupazione verso l'altipiano etiopico fino a Saati, conclusasi con la disfatta di Dogali il 26 gennaio 1887, e' al seguito del capitano di artiglieria conte Carlo Michelini, cui dedica il suo lavoro di documentazione dei punti strategici della campagna italiana. - "Pochi sono i fotografi, scriveva Fiorillo in una supplica al Presidente del Consiglio italiano, Francesco Crispi, nel 1888, che potrebbero vincere, per un simile lavoro, il clima, contrario alle operazioni fotografiche, e il deserto, che egli seppe, durante un'esperienza di venti anni di assiduo lavoro, separare, ottenendo sempre ottimi risultati". E' autore con altri due fotografi (Edoardo Martinori e Francesco Nicotra) delle 142 fotografie relative all'Eritrea, che documentano strutture militari e civili della Colonia, avvenimenti e personaggi locali conservate nel fondo Antonio Gandolfi documenti ed immagini della Colonia Eritrea (1885-1898). Pare anche che ad un certo punto si sia associato ad un altro fotografo, di nome Marquis e che abbia prodotto poche fotografie dell'Algeria. - Alla fine delll'Ottocento ed inizio del Novecento la Maison Fiorillo stampa rare vedute della Mecca tratte dai negativi scatatti da Mohammed Sadek Bey, conservate oggi presso The Royal Geographical Society di Londra, lo stesso atelier vende ritratti di ebrei scattati nelle vie di Gerusalemme. Esiste pure una lista di documenti prodotti da uno studio di Assuan intestato a F. Fiorillo nel 1915. - Pubblicazioni: Album photographie de Terre-Sainte'. Jérusalem, 1870; Album souvenir d'Alexandrie ruines, 1882; Bonfils, P.F. Nazareth et ses environs', St Petersburg, 1894 [Contiene fogtografie di L. Fiorillo]; Album vol. 26. Lower Egypt. Piramids, 21 marzo 1892-8 marzo 1893 (54 foto di G. Lékégian & Cie., J. Pascal Sébah, Constantine Zangaki e di L. Fiorillo: 306 Caire , le Sphinx, 1906-1909, 228 Caire, le Plateaux des Piramides, 1906-1909, Piramide, 1906-1909 attribuita pure a L. Fiorillo, 429 Mandiant arabe). Album presente nella Boston Public Library. Fonti: Fotografia italiana dell'Ottocento, p. 156 http://badigit.comune.bologna.it/mostre/eritrea/fondo_gandolfi.htm Ken Jacobson, Odalisques & arabesques : orientalist photography, 1839-1925 , p. 230 Aggiornamenti: Morgan Claudia (Funz. resp.).“ Source: http://biblioteche.comune.trieste.it/Record.htm?Record=19287259157910054319&idlist=1
119 p.
42 ill.
2862343358; 9782862343358
Text fr. - Cet ouvrage contient un texte de Malek Alloula, intitulé "L'autre regard" et des commentaires de Leyla Belkaïd. Ce volumel est illustré avec 42 cartes postales anciennes en sépia.
27 p.
Text engl. - Frank Mason Good is best known for his series of views of the Middle East taken on four separate tours of the area in the 1860‘s and 1870‘s. He first travelled to Egypt as assistant to Francis Frith in late 1857. He joined the Photographic Society in 1864, and in 1880 served as a judge of its annual exhibition. He lived at Hartley Wintney, Winchfield, Hampshire. (Paul Frecker/Luminous Lint, see http://www.luminous-lint.com/app/photographer/Frank_Mason__Good/A/; seen 04.03.2018)
BOS Birleşik Oksijen Sanayi
309 p.
Text turk., engl.
Memoire de la Mediterranee.
Paris Mediterranee
189 p.
Text fr. - Rudolf Lehnert, le photographe, et Ernst Landrock, l'homme d'affaires, se sont installés à Tunis en 1904 en plein cœur de la médina avant d'ouvrir deux magasins avenue de France. Ils y sont restés jusqu'en 1914 réalisant leur rêve oriental qui les conduisit aussi en Algérie, en Égypte et au Proche-Orient. Les photographies, héliogravures et cartes postales colorisées signées Lehnert & Landrock, de techniques novatrices, sont réellement des œuvres d'art ; elles apportent en outre une documentation considérable sur la Tunisie du début du XXe siècle : les lieux, les sites, à commencer par la ville de Tunis, les métiers et coutumes, la vie dans le désert, les types et les portraits. Ne manquent pas à la collection les nus du " harem ", tels que les appréciaient alors les orientalistes. Dans l'essai biographique, le premier du genre, qui ouvre le volume, Mégnin apporte de multiples documents et témoignages inédits sur les deux associés et leurs motivations. Michel Mégnin, ancien lauréat du Concours du jeune historien de France, collectionneur de photographies et cartes postales, spécialiste de Lehnert & Landrock, a contribué à plusieurs expositions et publications. Il vit à Toulouse.
Ausstellungskatalog, Paris, Institut du monde arabe, 21.02.-01.04.2007.
Collection Images Orient.
Institut du monde arabe/ Cercle d'art
95 p.
ill. (some col.)
9782702208397; 2702208398
Text fr. Includes bibliographical references. - "Cette exposition, conçue et réalisée par l'Institut du monde arabe, est présentée du 21 février au 1er avril 2007."
Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône
Université de Provence, Institut d'études africaines
Worldcat: 800574362
Text fr. Bibliographie p. 121-124.
Toronto, Ont.
Ryerson University
Text engl. - A PDF version is downloadable from http://digital.library.ryerson.ca/islandora/object/RULA:1864. Incl. a list of Zangaki’s numbered prints.
New York, NY, London
Princeton University Press
264 p.
0691151326; 978-0691151328
Text engl. - The birth of photography coincided with the expansion of European imperialism in the Middle East, and some of the medium's earliest images are Orientalist pictures taken by Europeans in such places as Cairo and Jerusalem - photographs that have long shaped and distorted the Western visual imagination of the region. But the Middle East had many of its own photographers, collectors, and patrons. In this book, Stephen Sheehi presents a groundbreaking new account of early photography in the Arab world. - The Arab Imago concentrates primarily on studio portraits by Arab and Armenian photographers in the late Ottoman Empire. Examining previously known studios such as Abdullah Frères, Pascal Sébah, Garabed Krikorian, and Khalil Raad, the book also provides the first account of other pioneers such as Georges and Louis Saboungi, the Kova Brothers, Muhammad Sadiq Bey, and Ibrahim Rif'at Pasha - as well as the first detailed look at early photographs of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition, the book explores indigenous photography manuals and albums, newspapers, scientific journals, and fiction. - Featuring extensive previously unpublished images, The Arab Imago shows how native photography played an essential role in the creation of modern Arab societies in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon before the First World War. At the same time, the book overturns Eurocentric and Orientalist understandings of indigenous photography and challenges previous histories of the medium.“ (www.amazon.com/Arab-Imago-Portrait-Photography-1860-1910/dp/0691151326/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0691151326&pd_rd_r=KXAHAG13FP975WM472B8&pd_rd_w=0Ujd4&pd_rd_wg=LvCgS&psc=1&refRID=KXAHAG13FP975WM472B8; seen 07.03.2018).
Page 360 of 361, showing 20 record(s) out of 7.213 total