Ausstellungskatalog, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 06.03.-30.04.1934.
New York, NY
The Museum of Modern Art, distrib. by Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
s. p.
b&w photographs
Katalog, Reprint
0-87070-135-5 (MoMA; T & H); 0-8109-6150-4 (Abrams)
Text engl. Incl. wrapper: „Sixtieth-Anniversary Edition 1934-1994. Facsimile of the 1934 catalogue, with a new preface by Philip Johnson“. Cover design Josef Albers. Photography Ruth Bernhard. - The first edition had a run of 2500 copies. Other editions: Original edition 1934. Reprint edition New York: Arno Press 1969.