Titelübersetzung/ Title translates as: Über die Geschichte der Fotokunst. Sammlung Daguerre. Staatliches Historisches Museum. Katalog/ On the history of photographic art. Daguerre collection. State Historical Museum. Catalogue. - A fine catalogue of Russian daguerreotypes. Incl. a list of plate marks. - Check Russian transcription of title.
Text dt. - Andere Ausgaben: 1. Aufl. Juni 1839; 2. Aufl. Oktober 1839. Dies ist der Reprint Stuttgart 1993 (“Dieser Reprint wird auch zusammen mit der Publikation „L. E. Uhlenhut: Prakt. Anweisung zur Daguerreotypie“ aus dem Jahre 1849 unter der ISBN 3-928126-66-0 verkauft“).
Text dt. - Andere Ausgabe: 2. Aufl. 1849. Dies ist der Reprint Stuttgart 1993 (“Dieser Reprint wird auch zusammen mit der Publikation „Das Geheinnis der Daguerreotypie“ aus dem Jahre 1839 unter der ISBN 3-928126-66-0 verkauft“).
Nebeneintrag. - On recommendation by John Lloyd Stephens Friedrichsthal, Austrian diplomat and explorer, acquired a daguerreotype apparatus after having been introduced to the process by John William Draper in New York in 1840. Friedrichsthal reached Yucatan the same year, before Stephens & Catherwood’s second journey (1841). After returning to New York in 1841 Friedrichsthal showed Draper some of the photographic results which had been extremely difficult to obtain. Though he had survived his expedition Frierdichsthal died the next year home in Vienna. The two daguerreotypes discussed are attributed to him due to circumstances described here in detail.
This well-made catalog includes essays about the local Pachinger collection, on the numerous daguerreotypes in this collection, on early paper photography portraiture (calotypes, c-d-v) and explanations of photography’s early processes. A remarkable number of calotype portraits by Alois Löcherer has been reproduced.