Dean, Tacita

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Edition Braus im Wachter Verlag
224 S.
mit 261 Abbildungen, 245 in Farbe
Text dt. - Other edition: Original edition: London: Thames and Hudson 2005. - Die modernen Klassiker der inszenierten Fotografie und der Kunstfotografie erschließt "Art photography now". Der Band gliedert sich in sieben Themenbereiche: Stadt, Porträt, Reportage, Dinge, Landschaft, Mode und Erzählung. Dazu werden Fotografien der berühmtesten zeitgenössischen Kunstfotografen gezeigt.
Ausstellungskatalog, Winterthur, Fotomuseum Winterthur, 03.03.-14.10.2007.
Set; 4.
Fotomuseum Winterthur
s. p. [32 p.]
Text dt., engl.- „Diese Broschüre erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung ’Wege zur Selbstverständlichkeit. Set 4’ aus der Sammlung des Fotomuseum Winterthur, 3. März bis 14. Oktober 2007/ This leaflet was published on the occasion of the exhibition ,Towards a new ease. Set 4’ from the collection of the Fotomuseum Winterthur.“
Lieven Gevaert Series; 13.
Leuven University Press
224 p.
60 ill.
Text engl. - Haupteintrag/ Main entry. - „The notion of the minor, developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in Kafka, Towards a Minor Literature (1975), is introduced and connected here for the very first time to the field of photography theory. Deleuze and Guattari defined minor literature in terms of deterritorialization, politicization and collectivization. By transferring ‘the minor' to the medium of photography, this book enlarges the idea of ‘the minor' and opens it up to all kinds of mutations in the process. The essays gathered in this book discuss the ways in which photography can make the dominant codes of representation stammer and how it can produce new affects and address people yet to come. - The authors consider ‘the minor' as a valuable tool to help photography research move beyond, or in between, binary and hierarchized ways of thinking (of high and low art, for example, or centre and periphery). As such, it aims to contribute to a rethinking of photography as multiplicity and variation. Consequently, the term is connected with both marginal and canonical photographic practices, covering photographers as different as Miroslav Tichy, Paul McCarthy, Tacita Dean, Dan Graham, and Paul Nougé. After developing a theory of the minor, this book explores how the operations of the minor can be found in major art practices. It closes by tackling the question of photography as variation in case studies of belated forms of surrealist photography.“ (Press release). The book consist of thre chapters of essays. The chapter are titled: 1. Towards a Theory of the Minor, 2. Major Artists - Minor Practice? 3. Surrealism in Variation.
Leuven University Press
60 ill.
Text engl. - Nebeneintrag.
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