Ausstellungskatalog, Cardiff, Ffotogallery, 18.9.-24.10.1992 et al.
Ffotogallery in association with Cornerhouse Publications
1800 copies
s. p.
b/w ill.
Buch, Katalog
0-9487797-32-0; 978-1872771069
Text engl., franz. - „This set of photographs focuses on the splendour of classical and contemporary architecture in towns, cities and rural locations across the 12 member states of Europe. The book serves as a commentary on European industrialisation and its assimilation into an ever-changing and evolving landscape. For John Davies, this work represents a long and arduous trek across three time zones; a journey which began in a divided Berlin in 1984 and finally ended at the Pierhead of Cardiff Bay in the summer of 1992. Walker places Davies' images within an historical and cultural European context and highlights their significance within contemporary photography.“ (, 11.2012).
Ausstellungskatalog Circoscrizione 2, Comune di Siena; Sagra della Val d’Arbia, Comune di Buonconvento; Prisma Multimedia; con il patrocinio Università degli studi di Siena, Amministrazione Prov. di Siena. Siena, Palazzo S. Galgano, 08.-19.04.1988; Siena, C. Civico S. Miniato, 22.-30.04.1988; Buonconvento, La Tinaia, 17.-25.09.1988.