Ausstellungskatalog, New York, Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Inc., s. a.
Sun Pictures; catalogue one (1).
New York, NY
Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
1000 copies
s. p.
Ausstellungs-, Bestands- und Verkaufskatalog
Text engl. - Incl. a complete though small sized reprint of Talbot’s Sun pictures in Scotland. Some reproductions of salt and albumen prints from collodion or waxed calotype negatives are also included. [Another though rather faded copy of this rare early illustrated publication is owned by the Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums, Munich, Germany].
Verkaufskatalog, Goa, Fort Aguada Beach Resort, 09.12.-13.12.2003.
Bombay [Mumbai]
Farokh S. Todywalla
28 p.
spiral bound
Forokh S. Todywalla, Todywalla House, 80 Ardeshir Dady Street, Khetwadi, Mumbai 400004, India, email - Listing of mostly early 20th century presentation albums to state rulers or maharajas, often on marriage ceremonies but also on tiger hunts etc.
Ausstellungskatalog, San Francisco, Fine Arts Museum, 13.09.2003-07.03.2004.
San Francisco, CA
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco
1000 pb. plus 650 hb. copies
190 p.
ca. 140 color and b&w photographs
0-88401-110-0 (cb.); 0-88401-109-7 (pb.)
Text engl. - “A very well documented book produced to accompany the important collection of antique Indian photographs exhibited at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. The images include temples, landscapes, native peoples and princes. Together with scholarly essays and bibliography.” ( 10.2008).
Sonderausgabe für Wissenschaftler und Forscher; numerierte Exemplare
203 S.
78 sw-Tafeln
Skulpturen und Reliefs indischer Tempel. Bildcoyright by Department of Archaeology, Government of India. Der dt. Titel wendet sich an erotomane Käufer, die vom hauptsächlich kunst- und kulturgeschichtlich geprägtem Inhalt möglicherweise eher weniger befriedigt worden sein düften.