Ausstellungskatalog, New York, Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Inc., s. a.
Sun Pictures; catalogue one (1).
New York, NY
Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
1000 copies
s. p.
Ausstellungs-, Bestands- und Verkaufskatalog
Text engl. - Incl. a complete though small sized reprint of Talbot’s Sun pictures in Scotland. Some reproductions of salt and albumen prints from collodion or waxed calotype negatives are also included. [Another though rather faded copy of this rare early illustrated publication is owned by the Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums, Munich, Germany].
Text engl. - The six sequences reproduced in this book were exhibited from Sept. to Nov. 1996 in the first room of the Italian Pavillion of the 6th International Architecture Biennale in Venice.