The Yosemite Natural History Association/ The Chicago Albumen Works, Inc.
1 p.
5-teiliges Faltblatt
10 ill.
Text engl. - Vorstellung eines Portfolios nach 10 Originalnegativen von Eadweard Muybridge, abgezogen auf modernem Albuminpapier, das von den Chicago Albumen Works hergestellt wurde.
"The third volume of her work... taken in the last years of her life between 1969 and 1971... They were taken at residences for the mentally retarded". - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 06.2000.
Text dt. - Selected by Andrew Roth to be included in The book of 101 books. New York 2001 (ed. New York: Wheye 1930, with preface by Pierre Mac Orlan).