PhotoLit - data bank on photographic literature
Sokolsky, Melvin
Page 1 of 1, showing 5 record(s) out of 5 total
[Durniak, John; Wahlberg, Andrew V. & Vestal, David]
Popular Photography’s Woman 1968. An exciting insight into the world of ebautiful women by the great photographers of our time. International edition. [Editor-in-chief John Durniak, art director Andrew V. Wahlberg, picture editor David Vestal].
New York, NY
144 p.
b&w and color photographs
[Durniak, John; Wahlberg, Andrew V. & Vestal, David]
Popular Photography’s Woman 1968. An exciting insight into the world of ebautiful women by the great photographers of our time. International edition. [Editor-in-chief John Durniak, art director Andrew V. Wahlberg, picture editor David Vestal].
New York, NY
144 p.
b&w and color photographs
[Durniak, John; Down, Bruce & Kinzer, H. M.]
Photography annual 1966. A selection of the world's finest photographs compiled by the editors of Popular Photography. International edition. [Editorial chairman: Bruce Downes. Executive editor: H. M. Kinzer].
Photography Annual 1966.
New York, NY
208 p.
b&w and color photographs
Text engl.
[Durniak, John & Kinzer, H. M.]
Photography annual 1967. A selection of the world's finest photographs compiled by the editors of Popular Photography. [Editor: John Durniak. Executive editor: H. M. Kinzer].
Photography Annual 1967.
New York, NY
208 p.
b&w and color photographs
Text engl. - Den in Deutschland vertriebenen Exemplaren lag eine 32seitige deutsche Übersetzung bei.
Porter, Allan (ed.)
A concise chronology of instant photography 1947-1974. [Mit weiteren Text- und Bildbeiträgen von Laurie Seamans, Ansel Adams, John Wolbarst, Harold Edgerton, Bert Stern, Erich Hartmann, Brett Weston, Wyngate Paine, Burt Glinn, Howard Zieff, Michael Kostiuk, Robert Haiko, Weegee, Nicholas Dean, Jane Tuckerman, Vincent Vallarino, Paul Caponigro, Ann Warrington, Mark Power, Stephen Gersh, William Buckley, Barnes Engineering, Philippe Halsman, Carl Sesto, Jeffrey Silverthorne, Michael Becotte, Jane Tuckerman, Marie Cosindas, William Clift, Melvin Sokolsky, John Ross, Jonathan Goell, Jock Gill, Frank Gohlke, Carl Chiarenza, Emmet Gowin, Jean-Loup Sieff, Mark Cohen, Christian Delbert, Walker Evans, Ulrich Mack, Josef Sudek, Art Kane, Lucas Samaras, Kishin Shinoyama, David Bailey, Edward Judice, Edwin Herbert Land].
[C. J. Bucher]
50 S.
sw und Farbphotographien
Zeitschrift, Sonderheft
Dieses “Camera”-Heft wurde während einer “photokina” am Polaroid-Stand verteilt.
Page 1 of 1, showing 5 record(s) out of 5 total