Lukitsh, Joanne
Ausstellungskatalog, Rochester, NY, IMP/GEH, 11.04.-25.05.1986 et al.
Newhall, Nancy (ed.)
Ausstellungskatalog, Philadelphia, The Alfred Stieglitz Center, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1978
An Aperture Monograph. Aperture, vol. 19 no. 3 & 4
Buchanan, William (ed.)
World Photographers Reference Series; vol. 6. Anne Hammond & Amy Rule, series editor; Robert G. neville, executive editor
Weaver, Mike (ed.)
World Photographers Reference Series; vol. 3. Anne Hammond & Amy Rule, series editor; Robert G. Neville, executive editor
Warburton, Nigel (ed.)
World Photographers Reference Series; vol. 5. Anne Hammond & Amy Rule, series editor; Robert G. Neville, executive editor
Gedrim, Ronald (ed.)
World Photographers Reference Series; vol. 9. Anne Hammond & Amy Rule, series editor; Robert G. Neville, executive editor
Gordon, Colin & Lay, Chris
Ausstellungskatalog, York, Impressions Gallery, 15.11.-24.12.1976.
Haworth-Booth, Mark
The Photo Library, Nishen Photography; 4.
Morrison-Low, Alison & Christie, J. R. R. (ed.)
Klukas, Rodney
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
History of photography monograph series; no. 12, Fall 1985. Series editors Bill Jay, Dana Allen.
Ausstellungskatalog, Rochester, NY, International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House (IMP/GEH), 1986.
Ausstellungskatalog, Paris, Maison de Victor Hugo, 1980.
Gray, Michael; Ollman, Arthur & McCusker, Carol
Ausstellungskatalog, New York, The International Center of Photography (ICP), 13.12.2002-16.02.2003; San Diego, CA, The Museum of Photographic Arts, 30.03.-15.06.2003.
Walton, Izaak & Cotto, Charles
Cooper, Thompson (1837-1904)
Cooper, Thompson (1837-1904)