Book# 37448

Templeton, Ed. Deformer

The Shaping and Mishaping Effects of Growing up a Specimen in the Suburban Domestic Incubator (and the Subsequent Paradigm Shift upon Exit). Annotated with Ephemeral Documents of Youth, Hand-Crafted Visual Accounts and Tender Fractions of Time Captured in Celluloid Rectangles. In this ongoing Process which only ends with Death.

Ort   Bologna
Verlag   Damiani Editore
Jahr   2008
Einband   hb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   ill.
Medium   Buch


Other edition: Special edition with original photographic print, signed verso, edition 200 numbered copies. - Nur Kurztitelaufnahme 10.2009.
Antiq. Kunstkiosk Zürich (01.2011): 266.00 € (Vorzugsausgabe).
Photographie Monographie 21. Jahrh. 

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