Book# 34981

Lehmann, Hans-Ulrich

Hermann Krone. Die Photographien. Werksverzeichnis.

Ort   Dresden/ München, Berlin
Verlag   Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kupferstich-Kabinett/ Deutscher Kunstverlag
Jahr   2008
Einband   geb.
Illustration, Ausstattung   sw & Farbabb.
Medium   Buch, Nachschlagewerk
ISBN / ISSN   978-3-422-06734-9


Text dt. - Krone mastered about all photo techniques practised in the 19th century. This oeuvre complet includes many hundred small images of all the Krone photographs which have come to the author’s decade-long attention. Among all the subject matter Krone dealt with is not only a large number of often very interesting daguerreotypes, local city views and Saxonian landscapes but also a series of photographs of the Auckland Islands - located between New Zealand and the Antarctic - where Krone travelled as an expeditionary photographer to document the transit of Venus in 1874.
98.00 €.
Photographie Landschaftsphotographie 19. Jahrh. Monographie Phototechnik Krone, Hermann Daguerreotypie Kunstreproduktion Expeditionsphotographie Deutschland, Sachsen, Dresden Astronomie, Venusdurchgang New Zealand, Auckland Islands 

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Ausstellungskatalog, Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 30.10.1999-06.02.2000.
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