Text dt. - Enthält zahlreiche Einzelbeiträge, die in PhotoLit nicht aufgelistet sind. - Andere Ausgabe: Erweiterte und verbesserte Ausgabe 1986; 1987; 1991; 1996 (ISBN 3.7658-0675-7).
Text engl. - Other ed.: First edition: New York: Pantheon Books 1973. - The author’s particular presentation of the history of a small Wisconsin community interpreted through the 19th century photographs of its inhabitants. (Pajerski).
Text engl. - Edited and with an introduction by Joel-Peter Witkin. Captions and afterword by Stanley B. Burns, M.D. 40 four-color plates on uncoated paper. Selection of photographs from the "Burns Archive," which contains over 700,000 vintage prints including the world's largest collection of early medical photographs.